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There was definite buzz in The Hub today with excited students receiving their new Chromebooks.

The rollout is well underway with students who have ordered Chromebooks receiving them throughout the week and being trained in how to use them efficiently.

Year 7 Amelia said, “I was so excited when I got mine. It has been really interesting seeing the teachers’ lesson plans and how much work and effort goes into it. So far it has been useful when I’ve needed to find some information out as it’s so easy to access the internet.  I feel very grown up and mature using it and I can’t wait to do more of my work on it.”

School Business Manager Mrs Childs said, “We are committed to providing our students with access to the best facilities we are able to offer to support their education and develop opportunities for learning.  The Chromebook has proved a very useful tool and we thank parents for supporting the scheme.  If your child has not got a Chromebook but you’re interested in finding out more, please contact the school”.


Chromebook Rollout

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